Jiayuan successfully established a good investor relations & issued a certificate commendation by the industry


On May 31, 2017, Jiayuan International was awarded the "Certificate of Excellence" certificate by the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association to recognize the outstanding performance of the company in investor relations over the past year. The conference was also invited to the HKEx market Mr. Luo Li, co-director of Development, was the keynote speaker of the awards ceremony.
Since the launch of the Investor Relations Award in 2015, the Investor Relations Award has been supported by the community and has evolved into an influential industry event. Under the past two sessions, the listed companies were more active than in previous years. The awards were nominated for more than 340 listed companies and the best companies were selected by 640 eligible voters, of which 54 were listed The company received awards, reflecting the recognition of all the awards.

With the increasingly close relationship between the Hong Kong stock market and the Mainland and other countries, it is increasingly important to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the global capital markets. The close relationship between listed companies and investors is becoming more and more important. To build a bridge of communication plays an important role.

In recent years, in response to China and Hong Kong capital market interoperability into a new stage, IR faced by institutional investors, the proportion of mainland investors is getting higher and higher. In view of this, Jiayuan International, in addition to regular participation in domestic and foreign institutions of investor seminars, more actively involved in the exchange activities organized by the mainland financial institutions to promote the company and domestic investors in close contact. At the beginning of the year, Joyuan went to Shenzhen with 85 Hong Kong listed companies to communicate with more than 200 analysts from 33 top-level mainland securities brokers. In addition, Jiayuan is also actively involved in the major brokerage held by the Friends of the exchange and investor roadshow for future cooperation to lay the foundation.

With the mainland institutional investors to invest in Hong Kong stocks increased attention, the market demand for high-quality listed companies increasingly hot. And Jiayuan International as listed in the Hong Kong Main Board of domestic housing stocks, in March 2017 was included in Hong Kong Hong Kong under the list of Hong Kong stocks, increasingly favored by domestic investors. Finally, thanks to the community has always supported on Jiayuan international. we will be able to foresee in the foreseeable future success and create the value to the majority of investors.