Jiayuan International 2017 Annual General Meeting held in Hong Kong, 6 motions were all approved


On the morning of June 12, Jia Yuan International Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Group, stock code: 2768) held the 2017 Annual General Meeting in Hong Kong. Chairman of the Board of Directors Shen Tianqing, Vice Chairman Huang Fuqing, Executive Director Wang Jiafeng and relevant senior executives, as well as Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu representatives attended the meeting by the Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Zhuoxiao Nan presided over the meeting to report to the shareholders of the Group's operating performance in 2016 and the coming year And reviewed and approved six resolutions of the Board of Directors report, annual report and audited financial report of the Company in 2016. Finally, all the resolutions were approved by the shareholders' meeting at an average of 99.8% approval rate.

The shareholders attending the meeting affirmed and recognized the Group's achievements in the year 2016 and placed high hopes on the company's subsequent good development.

Turning to the tightening of relevant policies in the Mainland market, the chairman of the board, Shen Tianqing, said that the regulation and control is a policy implemented to promote the stable development of the real estate market. It is a normal means and the industry will continue to maintain healthy development.

Group Chief Executive Officer Zhuo Xiaonan is interviewed after the meeting by including Apple Daily, Ta Kung Pao, news, economic and other media about  the company development, take the strategy and fund raising and other related issues to answer a reporter's question, said last week's fund-raising fund-raising Will be used mainly to supplement the land reserve, the Group will continue to deepen the Jiangsu Province at the same time, will actively explore the Pearl River Delta market and some provincial cities; and see the Group's sales in the first four months of this year better than expected, is expected to grow throughout the year Super 25% of the original target.

Group in the past year to expand the scale of business at the same time, not forgetting the pursuit of business quality, quality is the core values of the hard truth. As of the end of 2016, the Group's annual revenue of about 3.7 billion yuan, up 98%, gross margin of 34.1%, while the past five years, the compound sales growth rate of 36.7%.