Jiayuan International Christmas Joint Event with Phoenix Charity Fundation


Christmas festive reunion! Jiayuan of international title sponsorship of the fifth session "drug-free life, brilliant life healthy school Anti-drug Christmas carnival at the Hong Kong Kowloon Park Plaza The successful holding of Parents Students. Falls on Christmas carnival is open to the public throughout the day, the General Assembly will also prepare for the Rich Game stalls and performances. The company wanted to through the activities to encourage students to actively participate in extra-curricular activities to develop good habits and take this out of the anti-drug and anti-drug messages, and encouraged young people to stay away from drugs.

Jiayuan  International has been advocating quality life in enterprise project development to the integration of education and business values. The event activities not only in the sense and excellent source of core values of international consensus and fully reflects the excellent source of international positive fulfilment of corporate social responsibility. The venue and staff to parents and students to promote the anti-drug knowledge so that students learn and further understanding of patterns of drug types and enormous harm, and strive to enhance the Youth Anti-drug awareness of the concept, consciously to develop good habits of day-to-day behavior.

(X'Mas Carnival Games)