Congratulations Jiayuan International Won 2017 "Most Valuable Real Estate Listed Company Award"


On January 18, 2018, Jiayuan International ("Group") was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the "Hong Kong Hong Kong Stocks New Value Summit Forum & 2017 Golden Hong Kong Stocks Company Appraisal" organized by Zetong Finance and was awarded the "Most Valuable Real Estate Stock Corporate Awards "to recognize the excellent performance achieved in various fields in the past year. The award ceremony was held at Hilton Greater Shenzhen. Attracting more than 140 Hong Kong companies, the group also emerged from numerous companies and became one of the participating companies in the road show at the ceremony.

The event, co-hosted by ZT Financial and Flush Finance, has won the full support of Snowball Network and the Hong Kong-China Securities Association and has become the benchmark for Hong Kong stocks with the most investment value and growth potential in the year. The expert panel of judges, composed of economists, well-known Hong Kong securities firms and top investors, conducted rigorous research and screening on the past year's performance, stock price increase, stock activity, social responsibility and information compliance of the participating companies. Right by the score, the industry recognized high. The company that won the "Most Valuable Real Estate Companies Award" also includes some well-known real estate developers such as Shimao Property, CIFI Group and Country Garden.

In the past year, the Group performed quite well in the capital market. Its share price soared 117% to HK $ 7.26 from the price of HK $ 3.35 at the beginning of the year and the market value of the stock exceeded HK $ 17 billion as of December 31, 2017. The Group's market capitalization in 2017 Monthly credit rating of [B +] granted by Dagong International and rating of [B2] by the three major international rating agencies, Moody's, helped to further broaden the Group's financing pipeline and investor base and further reduce financing costs. In addition, the Group also obtained analyst's reports from BOCI and Credit Suisse Group, and unanimously optimistic about the growth prospects of Jiayuan.

In the future, the Group will continue to work hard in Jiangsu Province and will gradually expand its real estate business to major cities in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and Tai Wan. In order to maintain the growth target of not less than 25% of its annual revenue, the Group will continue to increase its land bank through mergers and acquisitions. When developing new projects or selecting acquisition targets, the Group will prioritize the first- and second-tier cities in the PRC. Finally, following the strategic plan of the nation's "One Belt and One Road", the Group will open up quality projects in neighboring regions such as Vietnam, Cambodia and the United States by participating in the mixed reform of state-owned enterprises and equity acquisitions, thus gradually realizing the simultaneous development.