Jiayuan International Clarification Statement


(January 18, 2019 - Hong Kong) Jiayuan International Group Limited (“Jiayuan International” or the “Group”; SEHK stock code: 02768), an established property developer of both large-scale residential and integrated commercial complex projects in China, has noticed that recent untrue news reports have adversely affected its interests. Therefore, it makes the following clarification statement.

Sina Leju Finance had earlier issued the "2018 Top 100 Real Estate Sales Growth List" which confused the contracted sales at the listed company Jiayuan International with those at Jiayuan Group, which is the parent company of Jiayuan International. Jiayuan International then requested Sina Leju Finance to correct the mistake on 7 January. The media then corrected the rankings accordingly on the same day and provided a detailed explanation. In addition, on 14 January, the Group sent a letter to each of the other media that had reported the untrue news about the rankings to demand retraction of such false reports. The Group is enraged at the media’s quotation of the untrue news or even fabrication because they have violated the Group’s rights and its investors’ interests. The Group reserves the right to take legal action and to set the record straight.

Jiayuan International reiterates that it is in good financial health and its business operations are normal. The management has full confidence in the Group's future development. For the year ended December 31, 2018, the Group's contracted sales rose by 94.6% to approximately RMB20.108 billion.