Suqian Bund No. 1 located in Major Castle District Land Stage, Emergency City East-West Mao Road - Xingxing Road, Traffic Shunsu Notification; South Luang River Road, Exit Normal Express. Item chairperson Yuyang Jingyuan, Xiaoxing Road Factory Small Science, Puyang Middle School District Leisure Education Resources Entrepreneurial Entrance, Fulfilled Hui Yu Excellent Life; Puyang County Medical College Medical School Yu Yuan Yuan, Deng Jiyuan entrepreneurial medical resource. Corporate division Fixtures and District Landscape Consideration of humanization, scenic architecture awesome garden forest sense of crisp perfection fusion, casting Central Scenic Zone, Buraku Hiroshi, Chungcheong Province, Children 's Playground, Aquarium etc, District itself Distribution 5000 m² Commercial street, Sukusha branch base demand; Morinoko Hiroba 5 min Bell cars immediately arrived.